Sunday, June 26, 2011

Extending Web Form Portlet – Adding File Upload Control

In Liferay Portal, Web Form Portlet is used to create custom forms but the types of field that can be created are limited. One such missing field type is File Upload Control. It’s a common requirement to have file upload control in forms.

Following are the steps to add File Upload Control to Web Form Portlet -

1.  Add a new field type to edit_field.jsp

<aui:option selected='<%= fieldType.equals("file") %>' value="file"><liferay-ui:message key="file" /></aui:option>

2.  Accordingly update the view.jsp to render the your new field

<c:when test='<%= fieldType.equals("file") %>'>

<aui:input cssClass='<%= fieldOptional ? "optional" : StringPool.BLANK %>' label=" <%=HtmlUtil.escape(fieldLabelDisplay) %>" name="<%= fieldName %>" type="file" value="<%=HtmlUtil.escape(fieldValue) %>"/>


3.  Set the preferences for this field in

boolean isFileUpload = false;

if ("file".equals(fieldType)) {

isFileUpload = true;


preferences.setValue("isFileUpload", String.valueOf(isFileUpload));

4.  Finally get the file in and proceed with your implementation…

File file = uploadRequest.getFile(paramName.toString());

Proceed we the implementation with file object for example save to document library, send in mail etc.




  1. [...] um post com algo relacionado a modificar o webform para colocar um campo de file upload aqui [...]

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  7. Can you post example of your or at least part responsible for file handling ?

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  11. couldnt find where to put that line (Step 4)

  12. Anywhere in your portlet class where you want to make use of the uploaded file

  13. hi there, i couldn't find where to put the number 3 lines...pls help.thank you

  14. hi there, i need to have a text field appear once a radio button is pressed, is it possible?if it is possible, please let me know how can i do this...thank you..

  15. Cathy

    Its pretty easy to implement. just have radio button and text box on the form. Use onClick event of radio button to manage the visibility of textbox.

  16. In the where other preferences are being persisted

  17. oh thank.I'll try about far liferay web form portlet is very useful to me.

  18. hi, im having trouble with the same problem of cathy about radio button, i tried to put 3 radio buttons ,there appear a textbox once the radio button is click but the problem is it applies to all web form portlet that i can i limit it a particular portlet.looking forward to your response.thank u.


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  22. Hi,

    When I try to get the file using this line,

    File file = uploadRequest.getFile(paramName.toString());

    uploadRequest could not be resolved.

    Do I have to create my own method (uploadRequest) inside

    Or should this line work by itself?

    Thank you in advance for any feedback.

  23. What's Happening we are not used to this, I stumbled upon this Ive think it is absolutely helpful and possesses helped me out loads. Hopefully to contribute & assist other users like its solved the problem. Well done.

  24. Hi...thnx for the great post....
    i am unable to pass "file" object in ur last point no.4.
    kindly tell me where to place file object....i mean where to put this code...????

    thnx !!

  25. Hi Aira !!

    did u get the solution for this...?? if yes, plz let me know...

    thnx !!!!

  26. Hi,

    Has anyone figured out how to use:
    File file = uploadRequest.getFile(paramName.toString());

    I use it on the SaveData method in WebFormPortlet but I get null.

  27. Step 4 is a bit vague. Anyone have a concrete example?

  28. please write whole of here.tnx

  29. Hello There ,
    Its very good post.I have used it but I am stuck at step 4 where i have written following code snippet to save uploaded file to document library.But it does not save my file in Test folder i have created. Please reply.

    UploadPortletRequest uploadPortletRequest = PortalUtil.getUploadPortletRequest(actionRequest);
    File file = uploadPortletRequest.getFile("file");

    ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) actionRequest.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
    ServiceContext serviceContext = ServiceContextFactory.getInstance(actionRequest);

    String contentType = MimeTypesUtil.getContentType(file);
    InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);

    Folder folderName = DLAppLocalServiceUtil.getFolder(parentRepositoryId, parentFolderId, "Test");
    long folderId = folderName.getFolderId();
    long repositoryId = folderName.getRepositoryId();

    FileEntry fileEntry = DLAppLocalServiceUtil.addFileEntry(themeDisplay.getUserId(),
    repositoryId, folderId, file.getName(),
    contentType, file.getName(), "description",
    "changeLog", inputStream, file.length(), serviceContext);

  30. Very good post.

    In view.jsp file, add enctype=”multipart/form-data” in aui:form
